Compare your rate

Calculate your FX charges with our Cost Calculator

Are you curious to see how much you could save on your FX transactions? Use our cost calculator to compare our ultra-competitive rates and tight spreads to your current broker/bank.

Just input a previous exchange you made, the time, amounts and currencies you exchanged, and we can tell you how much you were charged and could save.
Cost Calculator

Compare your current rates

Are you paying too much for your FX transactions? Many banks and FX brokers charge high fees and offer poor exchange rates. This can cost you a significant amount of money on your FX transfers.

We are committed to offering our clients the best possible rates and the most transparent pricing. That's why we've developed our easy-to-use cost calculator to help you compare our rates to your current broker's rates.
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Exchange rates

Compare the difference in exchange rates between us and your current broker.
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Compare the fees that we charge to the fees charged by your current broker.
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Total cost

See the total cost of your FX transaction with us, including exchange rates and fees.
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About Us

Empowering FX Decisions

We are committed to providing our clients with the highest level of service and transparency. We offer a variety of tools and resources to help our clients make informed decisions, providing clients with a secure trading environment. We use the latest security technologies to protect clients' funds and personal information.
Tradeable currencies
Countries to trade between